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Stormy Sky Bag update

Well, I have about 25 rows left in the main part of the bag. I don’t have my camera, otherwise I’d post the WIP… I let my son take the camera to Germany with him. Hope he’s making use of it!

Now I’m trying to decide if I really need a knitted liner. A liner is definitely in order to cover the steek, but maybe I just use a nice either knit or nylon lining fabric. So the pattern would be combination of knitting and sewing. Steeking requires a sewing machine anyway. Especially with the slippery bamboo.

OK. Now I’m having a vision of an internal pocket/divider that is really a ribbed cylinder that then gets sewn in place…. hmmm. Liking that idea. And ribbing can go pretty fast. And it could be done on larger needles too.

So… finish the main piece, steek and sew liner to match. Knit ribbed cylinder, sew in place.