Find us in SE Portland, Oregon on SE Division at SE 10th in the Ford building

Sun: 12-5pm; Mon: 12-8pm; Tue-Wed-Thu: 10am-8:00 pm; Fri-Sat: 10am-5pm

Phone: 503-236-7318

Free Community Events

Our mission is to help Fiber Crafters complete more projects, beautifully. How to do that? Offer free community events as well as classes.

These free events are held Fiber Rhythm Craft & Design and are open to anyone who wants to share their crafting with others.

We provide the kitchen table and chairs. You provide your project, a great attitude, and a love of learning and sharing.

Drop by when you can and bring your projects!

Events usually center around the classroom table that is located near our spool yarns in the back of the retail space.

Our entrance is on SE Division at SE 10th in the Ford Building.


World Wide Spin in Public Day