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New Bamboo purchase

Ahhh… my latest purchase. Since I enjoyed working with the Bambu 7 (Silk City Fiber, available at Woodland Woolworks so much, I thought I’d see what some of the other Bamboo yarns are really like.

Of course, I combined this with a visit to our newest LYS, Twisted ( They just opened Friday! I meant to go opening day (I had heard about it on the SNB-Portland yahoo group) but missed out. So Saturday I drove by later in the day. Seems like a very nice place and lots of yummy yarns. Everyone was very welcoming and it was a fun visit.

This is “Just Bamboo” from Sirdar. Its ribbony and I understand that the swatches will tend to shrink up when wet. So should be interesting. I picked one of the Manilla and one Nutmeg (although it could have been Vanilla and Nutmeg really!) they have a few other colors in pinks, light blues and neutrals. (Not nearly the variety of colors of the Bambu 7).

But I am going to swatch and see what it wants to be!

Still have to finish the “Stormy Sky” bag though… its getting closer!

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