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Reflection Scarf

Well, funny that the last blog post was titled “Reflections”, because my newest design, which uses the Retroglo reflective yarn, is titled “The Reflection Scarf”

We entered it into the fashion show at the Knit and Crochet Show in New Hampshire at the end of June and that was fun! The only trouble is, that the reflective qualities play havoc with the camera flash.  The photo shown here is done without the flash, so you really just see the Double Bambu yarn.

If you go to the Craftsy site for the pattern,  or go to my website or to ravelry— any of them will also show the photo with flash, which shows off the reflective qualities.

I made two of these scarves. This one, in the cool blues and greens– I was thinking of a reflective pool surrounded by trees–we raffled this off at the show.  The second one, done in brighter colors, was the one in the fashion show.  You can see it if you come to the Fall Knit and Crochet Show in Reno. I suppose I ought to take photos of that one as well!

Also of note– I’m starting to establish several other pattern distribution methods– and am trying out a Craftsy store.

Are you all using Craftsy?  other websites?  I’m all ears…