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3 Great Knitting Machine Reference Sites

Over the years as I have been collecting knitting machines and learning about the variety of machines that are out there, I’ve found a few reference sites that I return to again and again. As anyone who collects knitting machines knows, there are so many variations! What ribber works with which models of machines? What machines are really just rebranded versions of another machine? How do I know what machine is right for me? These three sites represent a wealth of knowledge that is hard to find anywhere else.

Update: 07/27/20

The About Knitting machines site I originally had referenced seems to be missing from the web now. Or perhaps it just has some other issues. So I’m changing my first reference to another great resource.

Machine Knitting etc

Has someone given you a knitting machine and you have no idea what it is all about? Did it not come with it’s manual? This site has mostly free downloadable PDFs from the original instruction manuals for most of the major brands of machines: Brother, Silver Reed, Passap and others. Spend some time on this site and you will learn a lot, you might even find some elusive parts for sale!

Angelika’s Yarn Store

Are you thinking of purchasing a machine but aren’t quite sure? Angelika’s web site has a couple of articles that are there for you: What Every Hand Knitter Should Know Before Buying a Knitting Machine and Different Yarns for Different Knitting Machines.


In addition to great photo tutorials, Knittsings is a great site to bookmark as there are links to a wide variety of free knitting machine manuals– perfect for when the machine arrives without all the extra parts– or comes with the parts but you need to know what those parts do! Don’t leave without checking out the posts on how to setup and maintain your knitting machines. Such a great reference!

These are by no means the only sites that help you learn how to use and maintain your knitting machine. Let us know what your favorite is!